How did you choose Miranda as your owner?

Me and my puppy siblings were brought up in the costume department of a sitcom called Not Going Out. And Miranda was one of the actors. She came to play with us all the time and I fell in love with her. Mainly because she smelt of biscuits.

Miranda says you are her best friend but is she yours?

I love Miranda more than anything in the whole wide world. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love her. My job is to protect her and to love her and I am only really happy if I am by her side. She isn’t just my best friend, she is my life. Excuse me, I am welling up a little…

Do you enjoy your bike rides with Miranda?

Miranda goes around West London where we live on her bicycle with a basket on the front and I do love sitting in the basket. It makes me feel very regal. I am a bit naughty though because I bark loudly at all other dogs we pass and Miranda doesn’t like that. But I am just showing off that I am looking like a princess and they are still on the pavement. Tee hee hee.

What life lessons has Miranda taught you?

I don’t want to sound grand, but it’s really a question of what I have taught her. I have taught her love, connection, being in the moment, trust and faith. Call me the Dalai Llama.

If Miranda was a dog, which breed would she be?

Irish Wolf Hound.

Have you ever been in a situation where Miranda has really embarrassed you?

CONSTANTLY. When I was younger she used to give me frankfurters as treats. And then she became partial to them. Sometimes she’d walk down the street next to me, nibbling on a frankfurter as if she was eight. Mortifying.

Does Miranda take you on holiday with her and if so where?

I always get sad when she goes on holiday abroad as then she leaves me with people. They’re nice people but you know, they’re not my tall lady owner who smells of biscuits. So I love it when we go on holidays in the UK and I can come with her. We have had some fun stays in hotels. My favourite was in Wales near Lake Vyrnwy, though I had a tummy bug and poo-ed in the hotel room. NAUGHTY PEGGY!!

Who is the most famous person Miranda has introduced you to?

I have met a LOT of famous people, I don’t mind telling you. I got a sniff of Gary Barlow once when he was on Miranda’s sitcom. But my favourite of Miranda’s actor friends is definitely Sarah Hadland.