Making Koi Fish Ponds Correctly


Koi Pond – Keeping koi fish is a thing that does not escape the effort to make the correct koi fish pond. Because in cultivating koi fish certainly need the right place, appropriate and proportionate.

Koi fish is a type of freshwater ornamental fish whose beauty you can see from above. Which is because the color is located on the back. So it is very suitable and good if you put it in a container type of pool only.

In making koi ponds, of course, it takes careful preparation both in terms of materials, design preparations and the amount of costs that will be incurred later. So that the koi pond created will not be beyond expectations and in accordance with what was planned in advance. Careful preparation of course the result will also be more maximum.

Indeed building a koi pond is not an easy thing, so not everyone is able to do it.

Surely the business of making koi ponds is no longer a problem, because there are ready to help with the services of making a good minimalist koi fish pond with various sizes, dimensions, depth, functions and materials desired.

Simply do a consultation on the desire to cultivate koi fish and state the design to be developed. Then of course it will mudhah for its implementation.

Koi Pond Design

There are various designs of koi ponds ranging from various shapes, dimensions and depths of koi ponds. All can be adjusted to the wishes and needs in cultivating the type of koi fish. For more details see the following are some koi pond designs that can be used as examples if you plan to make the correct koi fish pond.

1. The oval shape is suitable given as a design in the front or back garden of the house. It can also be with abstract forms. Ponds with the design is best to use concrete or natural stone materials so that it looks charming and more artistic.

2. If using an aquarium or tarpaulin then the design of the pool should be square or rectangular. So that it is easier to make it and not trouble. With an easy size, it makes the pool run smoothly and of course in a faster time.

3. Determine the desired design, including the size or dimensions and depth of the koi pond. Make sure the size according to the number of fish to be maintained later and the depth of the pond is also enough to avoid danger and maintain the water temperature in the pond.

4. Also make sure the koi pond design is interesting enough to see if you want to be compared in the yard area of the house. So that not only serves as a tool to maintain and cultivate koi fish, but the pond can also serve to beautify the home garden environment.

Koi Pond Depth

How to Make the Right Koi Fish Pond

The depth of koi fish ponds can vary, of course according to the needs. It is best to estimate in advance how many koi fish to be kept and cultivated. So that the depth of the koi pond made will be in accordance with the needs.

1. Therefore always adjust the need for adequate pond depth for a number of koi fish that are maintained. For more details here are some suggestions on the size and depth of koi ponds that are commonly made by many of these fish keepers, namely as follows:

2. Be sure to choose the right depth so that the temperature in the pool is more stable. If it is too shallow then the sunlight entering the pool will make the pool hotter faster than it should be. If it is deep enough then the bottom of the pond will remain stable in temperature so that the koi fish will grow more optimally.

3. Also make sure the depth of koi fish ponds is adequate to avoid threats that can occur in koi fish. For example threats from other animals such as dogs or cats. If the pond is too shallow then it could be that koi fish will be easily disturbed by other animals.

4. Generally the depth of koi fish pond is best which is approximately about 80cm. Because this depth is sufficient so as not to be disturbed by the above mentioned. Ponds that are too deep will also be difficult to clean more routinely, making it easier to arise moss or pond water content that is easier to murky because of it.

How to Make Koi Fish Ponds So As Not to Leak

One of the things that is not easy when maintaining koi fish is maintaining the integrity of koi ponds. This is one of the efforts so that the pool that has been made can last a long time and not easily damaged let alone have a leak.

Therefore it takes a certain way to overcome how to make koi fish ponds so as not to leak. More precisely it is better to make sure to make koi ponds that use good materials so that they are durable and do not easily leak while maintaining koi fish.

Because of course this can harm and trouble the process of maintaining koi fish. Therefore, it is best to pay attention to some of the following tips on how to prevent leakage in the pond and also how to cope in case of unwanted pool leaks.

Strive to create ponds with tougher materials or materials. If made of aquarium make sure to wear good glass and thick enough. If using materials such as cement or stone make sure it is thick enough and tightly installed.

1. Make sure to put and adjust the design of the pool correctly in order to avoid the risk of leakage. Therefore it is good to make sure the design of kola mikan koi first before starting to make it.

2. If there is a subtle leak that occurs after completing the manufacture of the pond, it is best to drain and clean the aquarium and then it is best to dry it first for a while. Then fill the aquarium with water little by little (e.g. added every hour). When doing so while observing, if it begins to see any seepage of water, that is where the bottom leak is likely.

3. Next immediately clean the leaking part and immediately smear it with waterproof paint or silicone glue. After doing the patching, then add the contents and do again what we have done so that all the leaking places can be known.

4. Patching will be better done from the inside of the aquarium. Therefore it is recommended that each time the aquarium should be emptied and dried first before smearing waterproof paint or silicone glue.

5. Lastly always give time and wait until the new dry glue is filled with water again to recheck. Do so until there is no leakage at all in the koi fish aquarium.

Koi Pond Size

Of course there are various and different sizes of koi ponds. It all depends on your needs and desires, including the factor of whether there is sufficient location and space. The size of the selected koi pond should be adjusted to the needs in maintaining koi fish.

Without the right size, it will be difficult to start making a pool. If confused, here are some reference sizes that can be modeled, this depends on the type of materials and materials used to make koi ponds. For more details just refer to the reference size below:

If making a minimalist koi pond made from an aquarium can generally use a size of approximately 50 cm high and about 1 meter wide and 1.5 meters long. This is a measure commonly used if you want to keep koi fish by using a mini aquarium.

1. If you plan to create a minimalist koi pond made of natural stone can be adjusted to the chosen location. For example about a depth of 80cm, a width of 1 meter and a length of 1.5 meters. The size of koi pond is quite possible to add the minimalist koi pond in the middle of the garden of the house, either the front garden of the house or in the back garden of the house.

2. When making a pond with cement base material can also use natural stone pool reference. In essence adjust the pond to the availability of land. So that the pond does not confiscate the place but comfortable enough to be used as a place to cultivate koi fish.

3. Building a koi pond with a tarpaulin will certainly require more large sizes. Therefore, tarpaulin ponds are more suitable to be made in a large garden area and its own place. So it is quite large area and does not interfere. In general, tarpaulin fish ponds are built with a size of 4 x 5 x 1 meter, meaning a length of 4 meters, a length of 5 meters and a depth of 1 meter. For the size of this fish pond then you need a tarpaulin measuring 6 x 7 meters and the type is a smooth tarpaulin.

Those are some tips and tricks in how to make a koi fish pond that is right and according to your needs. Building a koi pond that corresponds to the amount of cultivated koi fish will certainly be more optimal than excessive or for example the pond is too small.

If you are experiencing difficulties and confused how to build the pool, just call at the phone number listed on this web.

Surely will be ready immediately to help provide services to make koi ponds that are expected and in accordance with the needs. Do not be afraid to ask or dissususukusikan prices, because it can be adjusted to the needs and availability of funds.

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