5 Essential Tools to Keep Koi Fish Ponds Healthy


A lot of people ask if koi ponds need a lot of equipment and complicated? Koi fish pond equipment is actually not very much. In fact you can still have a koi fish pond without this equipment. But in practice it is arguably very difficult. This is because fish pond equipment has a quite important role.

These five appliances should be available. It would be very difficult if there were only three or four elements. Because the performance of koi fish ponds will be less than maximum. Then what are the equipments that complement the koi fish pond until it can function properly?

Before discussing more about 5 important equipments to keep koi fish ponds healthy, of course, the first thing that must be prepared is a maintenance container.

In maintaining koi fish, it is certainly needed containers or places where it is referred to as a fish pond or koi pond. Koi fish ponds themselves are very diverse. Some are buildings of cement or concrete, of plastic or tarpaulin, and others.

The most important thing is that koi fish ponds will not leak and the main goal is to be able to hold water as a medium so that koi can stay alive.

Actually, other than in the pool. Koi fish can also be maintained in the aquarium on the condition that the aquarium is quite spacious and in accordance with the number and size of koi fish that you maintain.

But keeping koi fish in the aquarium requires extra care, because the condition of the container is very limited then the water quality will be very easy to decrease. Therefore, intensive care is needed. Therefore, most people prefer to keep koi fish in the pond only.

The most important thing for you to consider if you want to build a koi pond is its breadth. This is because koi fish can not be maintained properly in ponds that are too small in size. A narrow pond will certainly limit the wiggle room of koi fish.

Well, for the discussion let's just discuss 5 important equipments so that koi fish ponds can stay healthy. For more details let's see the full explanation below:

Bottom drain

Bottom drain is a special pipe that is usually placed at the bottom of the pond. This pipe is a kind of mouth that sucks up all the organic dirt that has long accumulated at the bottom of the pond that will then get into the filter. This tool also has a role as a pool drainer.

One of the most dangerous threats to koi fish is the excrement that has long settled on the floor of the pond. Inside there are a lot of dangerous viruses and bacteria. Therefore, the existence of bottom drain will be very helpful. The price is not too expensive, but it has a big contribution.


The problem of dirt at the bottom of the koi pond is already above by the bottom drain. As for dirt that floats like dust and fallen leaves can be overcome by relying on skimmers. This tool will always ensure the cleanliness of the pond, so that the koi pond is always good to look at and stay healthy.

Skimmers can be the simplest, safest, and cheapest alternative for sure. The price also varies greatly, depending on the model and brand. But the money you will spend later will definitely be worth the benefits you get.


Pumps used for koi fish should use external pumps. This is because external pumps are much safer. Make sure you use a pump that has very little potential danger to fish. Wherever you are, your koi iko is very valuable and irreplaceable.

In addition, the use of external pumps also has a big influence on comfort. If you run into problems later then you will be easier to do the service. You no longer need to get wet or use equipment for diving.

Pumps are very influential, can even give power to filters and skimmers. The pump itself can be likened to the heart of water. Of course this one tool does not pump blood, but pumps oxygen as well as smooth circulation.

There are many types of pumps that you can choose from such as external, magdrive, submersible, and others. In the selection of this pump is also influenced by various factors. Such as the volume of koi ponds, wattage size, pump quality, etc.


If for example there is a pump but no filter, then surely your koi pond will not be intact. These two tools can be said to complement each other and also have to match each other in order to work optimally and produce the best.

Not only pumps, for filters you must also choose according to the characteristics and load of the pool. The load is not only filled in the form of fish, but also soil, dirt, leaves, dust, etc. You can estimate it yourself from the number of koi fish kept as well as the estimated weight. If you initially kept a dozen small koi fish, surely within 3 years then the load of the pond is no longer the same.

In essence, filters are the most important key to pool water clarity. For the variety you can choose your own according to your needs. In general, there are 2 types of koi pond filters, namely mechanical filters and biological filters.

Mechanical Filter

The working principle of mechanical filters is to drain water in the room or container in which has been provided materials for the filter. Filter media can be serbut, sand, gravel, jap-matt, sieve sieve, cotton, foam or foam, and brush material.

Another method of mechanical filter is by pouring water into separate space so that later dirt particles can settle at the bottom. There are also systems that use cyclones or vortex units, in such a way that water can spin and solids will accumulate in the middle, so that deposits can be disposed of in the next process.

Biological Filter

In essence, biological filters will use a certain type of bacteria to be able to decompose toxic chemicals that are in the pool water. Generally these chemicals come from koi fish droppings, food remnants, or other accidentally entering the koi fish.

Biological filters will typically use a series of multilevel processes of filtration systems with bacteria. A series of processes follow the nitrogen cycle, namely ammonia ~> nitrites ~> nitrate. In the early stages will use nitryfing bacteria such as nitrosomonas batteries, to then convert ammonia into nitrites.

The next process is to convert nitrites into nitrate compounds using Nitrobacter bacteria. This is a cleaning bacteria that will require oxygen, so it is definitely needed a room deposition.

The suction chamber has a function to be able to separate the sediment regularly because the sediment can reduce the amount of oxygen in the water.

Ultraviolet (UV) Light

If you are still not satisfied with the filtering performance of the pool, then you can mencob to add UV rays to make the water look clear. Thus guaranteed your pool will be detached from the view of the green and rundown pool that will certainly be very disturbing.

The main function of UV rays themselves is still questionable, but most importantly this light can inhibit the growth of algae. Therefore, UV rays will neutralize the pathogens affected by light. But this light still can not penetrate pathogens that are on the floor, walls, or in fish.

Koi Pond Basic Design

You don't rely on equipment or components, but you can also consider the basic design. There are several things that you should pay attention to, namely:

Koi pond size

Koi ponds should have a size of approximately 2.25 meters, with vertical sides. Koi fish themselves love to swim on one side to the other, down, and up.

They usually eat in an upright position, by spraying their mouths to the surface of the water. As for the size of the minimalist koi pond, you can use a depth of about 1 meter with a length of 2.5 meters and for a width of 1.8 meters. In essence the size of the koi pond should be double the size of the koi fish itself.

Water Flow

The proper flow of water is also very important for koi fish ponds. You can use the fountain or it can also flow from below the surface with the aim that the water can return to the pond.

In addition, you can also apply a bypass if the water leaks, or when you are required to turn it off at certain times. If you apply under-surface return, then you will definitely need additional aeration.


In general, the manufacture of koi fish ponds can be said that nothing is cheap. If your budget is not enough to make it, then for some time in the future, you can create a water park that is deep enough as a comfortable dwelling for your koi or goldfish. Slowly you can raise enough funds to create a whole and beautiful koi pond.

Seek advice from koi experts

Consulting directly with the right expert is always the most appropriate idea. Make sure that the person understands about koi, koi pond design, and also the installation of equipment.

Koi experts will certainly help you with pleasure, such as providing recommendations on the best koi pond equipment products, how to pair them, how to peratannya, etc. Even if necessary you can also pay for it or invite him to eat.

There is a lot of information that we can get through the Internet. But so many, precisely the reader often experience confusion. Therefore, it is better to approach and dig knowledge directly from the expert.

Thus the information that we can convey about 5 important equipment to keep fish ponds healthy. Hopefully the information that we have conveyed in this discussion can help you to keep your koi fish healthy.

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