4 Safe Traveling Trends During The Pandemic

 Although the virus pandemic is still spreading, several tourist attractions have been opened. However, to keep themselves safe, tourists are asked to continue to implement the recommended health protocols.

Even so, so far there are still many people who are afraid to travel to tourist attractions because of worries. For example, worrying about overcrowding causes high contagion potential. In fact, there are now several trends of traveling to keep holidays during the pandemic safe.

Since 2021 there have been 4 trends of traveling that are safe, cheap and of course can make yourself feel happy. Anything at all? Let's check it out!

1. Hiking

Since entering 2021, it turns out that the trend of traveling that is popular with tourists is hiking. Because, in Indonesia has a lot of beautiful mountains and does not require an expensive budget. Especially during hiking the safety of tourists is always maintained.

2. Solo Trip

The trend of traveling during a pandemic that is guaranteed safe, cheap but can still make yourself feel happy is a solo trip. This trend of traveling alone is on the rise in 2021. Even many young people try it before the age of 30.

Why? Because, solo trip can make yourself feel freer to go anywhere without having to consider the opinions of others. Not only that, the cost of accommodation is also certainly cheaper than going with someone or a group.

3. Staycation

Generally, staycation is the same as a vacation while traveling. This traveling trend is widely chosen by people who need time for themselves aka "me time".

The difference is, the concept of traveling trends in the form of staycation is still in the residential area. That is, one does not need to go out of town and only stay in a hotel for a certain amount of time.

4. Wellness Tourism

Ever heard of the term wellness tourism? This term is not familiar enough in Indonesian ears. But make no mistake. As it turns out, wellness tourism is one of the safe and cheap traveling trends during the pandemic.

Wellness tourism is a tour done with the aim of maintaining fitness. The purpose of this type of tourism is solely to restore the physical and mental condition of the tourists.

How, of the four travelling trends above, which bolo warmo would choose to spend this weekend?

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