4 Facts of Blue Monday, the 'Most Stressful' Day of the Year

 Some people refer to monday in the third week of January as Blue Monday. The term Blue Monday is given because the day that in 2019 falls on January 21 is considered the most stressful of the year.

Mondays in everyday life are sometimes regarded as stressful days of high levels. Studies conducted by researchers from Waseda University and Osaka University even looked at many suicide events occurring Monday morning.

Then does this Blue Monday phenomenon really exist? Check out the following facts

1. Popular in 2014

The term Blue Monday was first popularized by a psychologist named Cliff Arnall in 2014. At the time he wanted to find a scientific formula that could explain the grey Monday phenomenon after being asked by a travel company.

2. Associated with salary

Arnall turned salary, motivation, debt, and weather into a mathematical calculation formula to prove stress levels on Blue Monday.

3. Not scientifically proven

Quoted from the BBC, in the end Blue Monday was never scientifically proven. Psychologist Philip Clarke from the University of Derby said that January alone could not be proved to be the highest month of his mental health cases.

"Keywords to keep in mind, Blue Monday is not scientifically proven," Philip says.

4. For promotion

According to Philip the term Blue Monday is currently only utilized by some companies to sell its products.

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